Water Conserv II Valencia & Midsweet Scion Trial
Dr. Bill Castle – Dr. Fred Gmitter – Dr. Jude Grosser
Posted May 12, 2020
CREC Citrus Plant Improvement
Water Conserv II Scion Trial – Description
The primary purpose of this trial was to conduct a semi-commercial scale evaluation of Valencia and Midsweet scion selections [Table 1] in order to discover ones that could complement the existing scion cultivar range and provide a broader harvesting season. The scions consisted of advanced somaclonal Valencia selections along with irradiated budlines [seedless] of Midsweet from the CREC plant improvement group and an assortment of other selections including ones from Australia. Of special interest were young line [juvenile] sources.
A secondary objective was to assess the response of the selections to HLB.
Water Conserv II Scion Trial – Summary
- Location: Lake County
- Scions: Valencia & Midsweet [see Table 1]
- Rootstock: Carrizo citrange
- Date planted: March 2000
- Design: Randomized complete-block, 4 replications
- Plot size: 14 trees
- Spacing: 15 x 25 ft. @ 116 trees/acre
- Data: [see Table 2]
- HLB: In the 2010-11 season, when the last data were collected, HLB had a minor visible impact on the project. Some leaf symptoms were present, but no serious effects on tree or fruit condition or fruit drop. The trees were rated in the 2017-18 season with little change from the 2010-11 season. The ratings are included in the 2017-18 annual data file available upon request.
Table 1. Scion selections.

Table 1 [cont’d]. Scion selections.

Table 2. Data collected.

Considerations regarding the data:
- Due to the large volume of data and, thus, ease of viewing, only mean data are presented.
- Individual season’s data are available upon request for seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
- In order to better visualize the overall trial results, a summary table [Table 3 for Valencia and Table 4 for Midsweet] was created presenting mean juice Brix, acid, ratio, yield [box/tree; PS/acre] for all seasons and cumulative PS/acre. The data were color coded into statistically relevant groups as follows: green [best results]; yellow [intermediate] and red [worst results] based on statistical experience from this and other similar field trials. Data are sorted by cumulative PS/acre.
Valencia: Overall Results
Table 3. Overall mean juice Brix, acid, ratio, yield [box/tree; PS/acre] and cumulative PS/acre.
![Overall mean juice Brix, acid, ratio, yield [box/tree; PS/acre] and cumulative PS/acre.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/table3.png)
Fig. 1. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 6-year Yield [boxes/tree]: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 6-year Yield [boxes/tree]: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig1.png)
Fig. 2. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 6-year cumulative Yield [boxes/tree], seasons: 2005-06 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 6-year cumulative Yield [boxes/tree], seasons: 2005-06 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig2.png)
Fig. 3. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 6-year PS/acre: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2010-11 [darker blue bars: 5-year PS/acre mean – no data 2005-06].
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 6-year PS/acre: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2010-11 [darker blue bars: 5-year PS/acre mean – no data 2005-06].](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig3.png)
Fig. 4. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 5-year cumulative PS/acre, seasons: 2006-07 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 5-year cumulative PS/acre, seasons: 2006-07 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig4.png)
Fig. 5. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Brix: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Brix: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11. Fig. 5. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Brix: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 - 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig5.png)
Fig. 6. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Acid: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Acid: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig6.png)
Fig. 7. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Ratio: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Juice Ratio: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig7.png)
Fig. 8. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year PS/box: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year PS/box: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig8.png)
Fig. 9. Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Color: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Valencia [V; Val] 8-year Color: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig9.png)
Midsweet: Overall Results
Table 4. Overall mean juice Brix, acid, ratio, yield [box/tree; PS/acre] and cumulative PS/acre.
![Overall mean juice Brix, acid, ratio, yield [box/tree; PS/acre] and cumulative PS/acre.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/table4.png)
Fig. 10. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year Yield [boxes/tree]: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year Yield [boxes/tree]: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig10.png)
Fig. 11. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year cumulative Yield [boxes/tree], seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year cumulative Yield [boxes/tree], seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig11.png)
Fig. 12. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year PS/acre: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year PS/acre: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig12.png)
Fig. 13. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year cumulative PS/acre, seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year cumulative PS/acre, seasons: 2005-06 to 2008-09 & 2010-11. Fig. 13. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 5-year cumulative PS/acre, seasons: 2005-06 - 2008-09 & 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig13.png)
Fig. 14. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice Brix: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice Brix: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig14.png)
Fig. 15. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice Acid: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice Acid: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig15.png)
Fig. 16. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice Ratio: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice Ratio: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig16.png)
Fig. 17. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year PS/box: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year PS/box: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig17.png)
Fig. 18. Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice color: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.
![Water Conserv II scion trial – Midsweet [MS] 8-year Juice color: mean + std. dev., seasons: 2003-04 to 2010-11.](/media/crecifasufledu/citrus-research/images/rootstock-trials/valencia-midsweet-scion-trial/fig18.png)