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UF/IFAS Home Citrus

UF/IFAS Home Citrus


Maintaining a citrus tree on Florida involves many techniques and strategies to support the tree’s health, fruit production and, ultimately, long life.  The maintenance techniques presented here are adapted from current research conducted by UF/IFAS citrus researchers principally for the commercial citrus industry. A USDA NIFA grant is supporting this work to develop successful growing plans for the home gardener from the current knowledge available to Florida’s commercial growers. Over a dozen UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program participants are working with UF/IFAS researchers to learn more about which techniques work best in the home landscape. Knowledge learned from this ongoing research study will be shared on this website.

How to Apply Dry Soluble Fertilizer (PDF)

Pesticide applications: Pesticides are a common tool to support the health of both home and commercial plants. There are both organic and synthetic pesticides available to help manage a variety of insect, mite, and pathogen pests that may impact your citrus trees. All pesticides come with a label that must be read to ensure proper use of the product for user safety and optimal outcomes of applications.

How to Apply Foliar Chemicals (PDF)

Individual Protective Covers (IPCs): Commercial citrus growers are using IPCs to protect newly planted citrus trees from Asian citrus psyllid, a small insect that infects trees with the bacteria that causes citrus greening. This tool is also available for use to protect young citrus trees in the home landscape.

IPCs may be purchased at a number of vendors:  Check out vendors here  Where to Buy – Citrus Greening Prevention | The Tree Defender

How to Install an IPC (PDF)

Red-dyed kaolin: Kaolin is a clay-based film that can be used to protect plants from several types of insect pests. However, it washes off with heavy rains. Our researchers have found that, by adding red Colorback® to the kaolin application, we can both increase the efficacy of the kaolin for pest management and increase the retention of the material on the plants

The following grove management technique is currently being studied as part of a research trial. UF/IFAS is not recommending this technique for home gardeners at this time. This information is presented for informational purposes only.

How to Mix and Apply Kaolin Clay (PDF)