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UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Publications - Dr. Ariel Singerman

Fields of Interest

Agricultural Economics and Risk Management


A. Singerman. and S. Lence. 2023. The Source of Uncertainty Influences Technology Adoption. European Review of Agricultural Economics 50(2): 591–623

Lence, S. and A. Singerman. 2023. When Does Voluntary Cooperation Work? Evidence from Areawide Pest Management. American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Gama, A. B., N. Peres, A. Singerman, and M. Dewdney. 2022. Evaluation of Disease Alert Systems for Postbloom Fruit Drop of Citrus in Florida and Economic Impact of Adopting the Citrus Advisory System. Crop Protection 155, 2022

Singerman, A., S.H. Futch, and B. Page. 2021. Early Performance of Selected Citrus Rootstocks Grafted with ’Valencia’ Sweet Orange in Commercial Settings within a Citrus Greening Endemic Environment. HortTechnology 31(4): 417-427

Li, S., F. Wu, Y. Duan, A. Singerman, and Z. Guan. 2020. Citrus Greening: Management Strategies and their Economic Impact. HortScience 55(5): 604-612 

Singerman, A. and M.E. Rogers. 2020. The Economic Challenges of Dealing with Citrus Greening: The Case of Florida. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 11(1): 1-7

Singerman, A. and P. Useche. 2019. Authors’ Response to Comment: The Role of Strategic Uncertainty in Area-Wide Pest Management Decisions of Florida Citrus Growers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(4): 1017-1020.

Singerman, A. and P. Useche. 2019. The Role of Strategic Uncertainty in Area-Wide Pest Management Decisions of Florida Citrus Growers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(4): 991-1011.

Etxeberria, E., P. Gonzalez, A. Singerman and T. Ebert. 2019. An Improved Method to Track Changes of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus Titer in HLB-affected Citrus Trees. Hortscience 54(8): 1357-1360

Singerman, A., M. Burani-Arouca, and S. Futch. 2018. The Profitability of New Citrus Plantings in Florida in the Era of HLB. Hortscience 53(11):1655-1663.

Singerman, A. 2017. Using Clickers to Collect Data for Enterprise Budgets. Journal of Extension 55(6) 6TOT5.

Singerman, A., and P. Useche. 2017. Florida Citrus Growers First Impressions on Genetically Modified Trees. AgBioForum (20)1: 67-83.

Singerman, A., S.H. Lence and P. Useche. 2017. Is Area-Wide Pest Management Useful? The Case of Citrus Greening. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (39)4: 609-634.

Singerman, A., S.H. Lence, and P. Useche. 2017. Uncertainty Undermines Area-Wide Pest Management for Citrus Greening in Florida. Choices, Quarter 3.

Singerman, A., S.H. Lence and A. Kimble Evans. 2014. How Related are the Prices of Organic and Conventional Corn and Soybean? Agribusiness: An International Journal 30(3): 309-330.

Singerman, A., C. Hart and S.H. Lence. 2012. Revenue Protection for Organic Producers: Too Much or Too Little? Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37(3): 415-434.

Singerman, A., K. Delate, C. Chase, C. Greene, M. Livingston, S.H. Lence and C. Hart. 2012. Profitability of Organic and Conventional Soybean Producers under 'Green Payments' in carbon offset programs. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 27(4): 266-277.