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UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Publications - Dr. Ed Etxeberria


Ponce, L., Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Ponce, A., and Flores, T. (2018). Rapid identification of Huanglongbing-infected citrus plants using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of phloem samples.  Applied Optics, 57, 8841-8844.

Kaur, P., Gonzalez, P., Dutt, M., and Etxeberria, E. (2018). Identification of sieve elements and companion cell protoplasts by a combination of brightfield and fluorescence microscopy. Applications in Plant Science 6, e1179.

Kumar, N., Fnu, K. and Etxeberria, E. (2018). Huanglongbing-induced anatomical changes in citrus fibrous root orders. HortScience 53, 829-837.

Zheng, Y., Kumar, N., Gonzalez, P. and Etxeberria, E. (2018). Strigolactones restore vegetative and reproductive developments in Huanglongbing (HLB) affected, greenhouse-grown citrus trees by modulating carbohydrate distribution. Scientia Horticulturae 237, 89-95.


Alam-Eldein, S., Albrigo, G., Etxeberria, E., Burns, J., Rouseff, R. and Tubeileh, A. (2017). Characterization of 'Valencia' orange peel maturation: effect of water stress and growth regulators. Acta Hortic. 1150, 355-362 

Xu, B.M., Sims, C.A., Etxeberria, E., Goodrich-Schneider R.M. (2017). Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Cold Pressed Oils from Florida Hamlin and Valencia Oranges Affected by Huanglongbing. Journal of Food Science. 

Zambon, F.T., Plant, K., and Etxeberria, E. (2017). Leaf-Disc Grafting for the Transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus in Citrus (Citrus Sinensis; Rutaceae) Seedlings. Applications in Plant Sciences 5, 1600085.


Alireza Pourreza, A., Suk, W.S., Etxeberria, Zhang, Y. (2016).  Identification of Citrus Huanglongbing Disease at the Pre-Symptomatic Stage Using Polarized Imaging Technique. IFAC-on-line 49-16: 110–115.

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Bhattacharya, P., Sharma, P., and Ke, P.C. (2016). Determining the Size Exclusion for Nanoparticles in Citrus Leaves. Hortscience 51, 732-737.

Etxeberria, E., Brodersen, C. Gonzalez, P. (2016).  Movement of HLB genetic signal within a Citrus tree: More questions than answers. Proc. Fla. State. Hort. Soc. 129, 83-86. 

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Bhattacharya, P., Sharma, P., Ke, P.C. (2016). Determining the size exclusion for nanoparticles in Citrus leaves. Proc. Fla. State. Hort. Soc. 129, 115-120. 

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Borges, A.F., and Brodersen, C. (2016). The use of Laser Light to Enhance the Uptake of Foliar-Applied Substances into Citrus (Citrus Sinensis) Leaves. Applications in Plant Sciences 4, 1500106.

Kumar, N., Kiran, F., Gonzalez, P., Etxeberria, E. (2016). HLB-induced anatomical changes in citrus roots. Proc. Fla. State. Hort. Soc. 129,.


Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., and Brodersen, C. (2015). Evidence for alternate pathways of CLas Movement in Citrus Trees. Proc. Fla. State. Hort. Soc. 128, 

Etxeberria, Ed and Cody Narciso (2015). Anatomy of the Citrus Leaf Petiole: Healthy vs. Huanglongbing. Acta Hortic. 1065, 891-897. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1065.110. 

Pourreza, A., Lee, W.S., Etxeberria, E., and Banerjee, A. (2015). An evaluation of a vision-based sensor performance in Huanglongbing disease identification. Biosystems Engineering 130, 13-22.


Abdellatif Bahaji, A., Li, J., Sánchez-López, A.M., Baroja-Fernández, E., Muñoz, F.J., Ovecka, M., Almagro, G., Montero, M., Ezquer, I., Etxeberria, E., Pozueta-Romero, J.  2014. Starch biosynthesis, its regulation and biotechnological approaches to improve crop yields. Biotechnology Advances  32:87-106.

Brodersen, C., Narciso, C., Reed, M., and Etxeberria, E. (2014). Phloem Production in Huanglongbing-affected Citrus Trees. Hortscience 49, 59-64.

Pourreza, A., Lee, W.S., Raveh, E., Ehsani, R., and Etxeberria, E. (2014). Citrus Huanglongbing Detection using Narrow-Band Imaging and Polarized Illumination. Transactions of the Asabe 57, 259-272.

Whitaker, D.C., Giurcanu, M.C., Young, L.J., Gonzalez, P., Etxeberria, E., Roberts, P., Hendricks, K., and Roman, F. (2014). Starch Content of Citrus Leaves Permits Diagnosis of Huanglongbing in the Warm Season but Not Cool Season. Hortscience 49, 757-762.


Bahaji, A,, Li, J., Sánchez-López, A.M., Baroja-Fernández, E., Muñoz, F.J., Ovecka, M., Almagro, G., Montero, M., Ezquer, I., Etxeberria, E., and Pozueta-Romero, J. (2013) Starch biosynthesis, its regulation and biotechnological approaches to improve crop yields. Biotechnology Advances. 20 p. (In press).

Cimò, G., Gonzalez, P., Bandaranayake, W., Etxeberria, E., Lo Bianco, R., and Syvertsen, J.P. (2013) Carbohydrate and nutritional responses to stem girdling and drought stress with respect to understanding symptoms of huanglongbing in citrus. HortScience 48: 920-928.

Danyluk, M.D., Friedrich, L.M., Sood, P., and Etxeberria, E. (2013) Growth or penetration of Salmonella into citrus fruit is not facilitated by natural-light labels. Food Control 34: 398-403.

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., and Pozueta-Romero, J. (2013) Architectural remodeling of the tonoplast during fluid-phase endocytosis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 8: e24793. 9 p.

Xiang, L., Etxeberria, E., and Van den Ende, W. (2013) Vacuolar protein sorting mechanisms in plants. FEBS Journal 280: 979-993.


Baroja-Fernández, E., Muñoza, F.J., Li, J., Bahaji, A., Almagro, G., Montero, M., Etxeberria, E., Hidalgo, M., Sesma, M.T., and Pozueta-Romero, J. (2012) Sucrose synthase activity in the sus1/sus2/sus3/sus4 Arabidopsis mutant is sufficient to support normal cellulose and starch production. PNAS 109: 321-326.

Etxeberria, E. and Narciso, C. (2012) Phloem anatomy of citrus trees: healthy vs. greening-affected. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 125: 4 p. 

Etxeberria, E., Pozueta-Romero, J., and Baroja Fernández, E. (2012) Fluid-phase endocytosis in plant cells, p. 107-122. In: J. Šamaj (ed.), Endocytosis in Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.

Etxeberria, E., Pozueta-Romero, J., and Gonzalez, P. (2012) In and out of the plant storage vacuole. Plant Science 190: 52-61.

Gonzalez, P., Syvertsen, J.P., and Etxeberria, E. (2012) Sodium distribution in salt-stressed citrus rootstock seedlings. HortScience 47:1504-1511.

Gonzalez, P., Reyes-De-Corcuera, J., and Etxeberria, E. (2012) Characterization of leaf starch from HLB-affected and unaffected-girdled citrus trees. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 79: 71-78.


Cevallos, J., Garcia-Torres, R., Etxeberria, E., and Reyes, J.I. (2011) GC-MS analysis of headspace and liquid extracts for metabolomic differentiation of Citrus Huanglongbing and zinc deficiency in leaves of 'Valencia' sweet orange from commercial groves. Phytochemical Analysis 22: 236-246.


Achor, D.S., Etxeberria, E., Wang, N., Folimonova, S.Y., Chung, K.R., and Albrigo, L.G. (2010) Sequence of anatomoical symptom observations in citrus affected with huanglongbing disease. Plant Pathology Journal 9: 56-64. 

Danyluk, M.D.., Interiano Villeda, L.O., Friedrich, L., Schneider, K.R., and Etxeberria, E. (2010) Natural-light labeling of tomatoes does not facilitate growth or penetration of Salmonella into the fruit. Journal of Food Protection 73: 2276-2280. 

Danyluk, M.D., Sood, P., Proano, L., Friedrich, L.M., and Etxeberria, E. (2010) Salmonella does not penetrate citrus peel through natural light labels. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 123: 217-219. 

Ezquer, I., Li, J., Ovecka, M., Baroja-Fernandez, E., Munoz, J.F., Montero, M., Diaz de Cerio, J., Hidalgo, M., Sesma, M.T., Bahaji, A., Etxeberria, E., and Pozueta-Romero, J. (2010) Microbial volatile emissions promote accumulation of exceptionally high levels of starch in leaves in mono- and dicotyledonous plants. Plant & Cell Physiology 51: 1674-1693.

Sankaran, S., Ehsani, R., and Etxeberria, E. (2010) Mid-infrared spectroscopy for detection of huanglongbing (greening) in citrus leaves. Talanta 83: 574-581.


Baroja-Fernandez, E., Munoz, F.J., Montero, M., Etxeberria, E., Sesma, M.T., Ovecka, M., Bahaji, A., Ezquer, I., Li, J., Prat, S., and Pozueta-Romero, J. (2009) Enhancing sucrose synthase activity in transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers results in increased levels of starch, ADPglucose and UDPglucose and total yield. Plant & Cell Physiology 50: 1651-1662.

Cevallos, J.M., Reyes, J.I., Etxeberria, E., Danyluk, M.D., and Rodrick, G.E. (2009) Metabolomic analysis in food science: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 20: 557-566.

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Achor, D., and Albrigo, G. (2009) Anataomical distribution of abnormally high levels of starch in HLB-affected Valencia orange trees. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 74: 76-83.

Etxeberria, E., Narciso, C., Sood, P., Gonzalez, P., and Narciso, J. (2009) The anatomy of a laser label. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 122: 347-349. 

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., and Pozueta, J. (2009) Evidence for two endocytic transport pathways in plant cells. Plant Science 177: 341-348.

Sood, P., Ference, C., Narciso, and Etxeberria, E. (2009) Laser etching: a novel technology to label Florida grapefruit. HortTechnology 19: 504-510.


Pozueta-Romero, D., Gonzalez, P., Etxeberria, E., and Pozueta-Romero, J. (2008) The hyperbolic and linear phases of the sucrose accumulation curve in turnip storage cells denote carrier-mediated and fluid phase endocytic transport, respectively. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 133: 612-618.

Sood, P., Ference, C., Narciso, J. and Etxeberria, E. (2008) Effects of laser labeling on the quality of tangerines during storage. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 121: 297-300. 


Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Pozueta, J.  (2007)  Mannitol enhanced fluid-phase endocytosis in storage parenchyma cells of celery (Apium graveolens) petioles.  American Journal of Botany 96:1041-1045.

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Pozueta, J.  (2007)   Fluid-phase endocytosis in Citrus juice cells is independent from vacuolar pH and inhibited by chlorpromazine, and inhibitor of PI-3 kinases and clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 82: 900-907.


Etxeberria, E., Miller, W.M., and Achor, D. (2006) Characteristics of laser etching depressions on Florida fruits and vegetables. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 119:353-357. 

Etxeberria, E., Miller, W.M. and Achor, D.  (2006)  Anatomical and morphological characteristics of laser etching depressions for fruit labeling.  HortTechnology 16:527-532

Baroja-Fernandez, E., Etxeberria, E., Muñoz, J.F., Gonzalez, P., Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2006)  An important pool of sucrose linked to starch biosynthesis is taken up by endocytosis in heterotrophic cells.  Plant Cell Physiology 47:447-456

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P., Baroja-Fernandez, E., Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2006)  Fluid phase uptake of artificial nano-spheres and fluorescent quantum-dots by sycamore cultured cells.  Plant Signaling and Behaviour 1:196-20

Muñoz, F.J., Moran-Zorzano, M.T., Alonso-Casajus, N., Baroja-Fernandez, E., Etxeberria, E., Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2006)  New enzymes, new pathways and an alternative view on starch biosynthesis in both photosynthetic and heterotrophic tissues of plants.  Biocatalysts and Biotransformation 24:63-76


Etxeberria, E. and Gonzalez, P. (2005) Accumulation of sucrose and other soluble solids in citrus juice cells. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 118: 43-48. 

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P.C., Tomlinson, P., Pozueta, J.  (2005)  Existence of two parallel mechanisms for glucose uptake in heterotrophic plant cells.  Journal Experimental Botany 56:1905-1912.

Muñoz, F.J., Baroja-Fernandez, E., Moran-Zorzano, M.T., Viale, J.M., Etxeberria, E., Alonso-Casajus, N., Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2005)  Sucrose synthase controls both intracellular ADP glucose levels and transitory starch biosynthesis in source leaves.  Plant and Cell Physiology 48:1366-1376.

Baluska, F., Baroja-Fernandez, E., Pozueta-Romero, J., Hlavacka, J., Etxeberria, E., Samaj, J.  (2005)  Endocytic uptake of nutrients, cell wall molecules, and fluidized cell wall portions into herterotrophic plant cells.  In:  Plant Endocytosis.  F. Baluska, ed.  Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Huberman, M., Zehavi, U., Stein, W.D., Etxeberria, E., Goren, R.  (2005)  In vitro sugar uptake by grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) juice-sac cells.  Functional Plant Biology 32:357-366.

Etxeberria, E., Baroja-Fernandez, E., Muñoz, J.F., Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2005)  Sucrose inducible endocytosis ad a mechanism for nutrient uptake in heterotrophic plant cells.  Plant and Cell Physiology 46:474-481

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P, Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2005)  Sucrose transport into Citrus juice cells: Evidence for an endocytic transport system.  Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 130:269-274


Baroja-Fernandez, E., Muñoz, J.F., Zandueta, A., Moran-Zorzano, M.T., Viale, A., Etxeberria, E., Alonso-Casajus, N., Pozueta-Romero, J.  (2004)  Most of ADPglucose linked to starch biosynthesis occurs outside the chloroplast in source leaves.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 101:13080-13085.

Pozueta-Romero, J., Pozueta-Romero, D., Gonzalez, P.C., Etxeberria, E.  (2004)  Activity of membrane-associated sucrose synthase is regulated by its phosphorylation status in cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus).  Physiologia Plantarum 122:275-180

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P.C.  (2004)  Simultaneous isolation of tonoplast and plasmalemma from citrus juice cells for photoassimilate uptake studies:  Combination of sucrose density gradient and two phase partitioning.  HortScience 39:174-176 

Etxeberria, E.  (2004)  Sucrose.  Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Sciences.  Marcel Dekker, New York, N.Y. 


Ratajczak, R., Luttge, U., Gonzalez, P., Etxeberria, E.  (2003)  Malate and malate-channel antibodies inhibit electrogenic and ATP-dependent citrate transport across the tonoplast of citrus juice cells.  Journal of Plant Physiology 160:1313-1317.

Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P.C.  (2003)  Tonoplast associated sucrose synthase:  Involvement in sucrose mobilization from the vacuole.  Journal of Experimental Botany 54:1407-1414


Pontis, H., Gonzalez, P.C., Etxeberria, E.  (2002)  Transport of 1-kstose across the tonoplast of Jerusalem artichoke tubers.  Phytochemistry 59:241-247.

Brune, A., Muller, M., Taiz, L., Gonzalez, P.C., Etxeberria, E.  (2002)  Vacuolar acidification in citrus fruit:  Comparison between acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia) and sweet lime (Citrus limettioides) juice cells.  Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 127:171-177.


Etxeberria, E., Gonzalez, P.C.  (2001)  Developmental transition between sucrose uptake and sucrose efflux systems in the vacuole of red beet hypocotyl storage cells.  HortScience 36:1300-1301.

Hockema, B.R., Etxeberria, E.  (2001)  Metabolic contributors to drought-enhanced accumulation of sugars and acids in oranges.  Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 126:599-605.

Marsh, K., P., Gonzalez, P.C., Echeverria, E.  (2001)  Partial characterization of H + translocating pyrophosphatase from three citrus varieties differing in vacuolar pH.  Physiologia Plantarum 111:519-526.


Echeverria, E.  (2000)  Vesicle-mediated sucrose transport between the vacuole and the plasmalemma.  Plant Physiology 123:1-10. 

Echeverria, E., Gonzalez, P.C.  (2000)  ATP-induced sucrose efflux from red-beet tonoplast vesicles.  Planta 211:77-84.

Marsh, K., Gonzalez, P.C., Echeverria, E.  (2000)  PPformation by reversal of the tonoplast-bound H + -pyrophosphatase from Valencia orange juice cells.  Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 125:420-424.

Goren, R., Chen-Zion, M., Huberman, M., Zehavi, U., Echeverria, E. (2000)  Sugar utilization by citrus juice cells as determined by [14C]sucrose and [14C]fructose feeding analysis.  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 38:507-515.