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UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Publications - Dr. James Syvertsen


Ph.D. 1977, Biology. Physiological plant ecology of desert species. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
B.A. 1970, Biology and M.A. 1973, Plant Ecology, California State Univ., Fullerton, CA.


Environmental Stress Physiology of Citrus


2014. ISHS Lifetime Achievement Award for “Outstanding Contributions to Research and Education in Fruit Crop Physiology” presented by The Environmental Physiology of Fruit Crops Working Group of the ISHS. March 2014.

2013. Fulbright Research Scholarship Award to research flooding tolerance in citrus rootstocks in Salto, Uruguay and to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and Uruguay.

2013.  Elected an Honorary Member of the Florida State Horticultural Society for special meritorious service to FSHS and to the advancement of horticulture in Florida. Honorary Membership is one of the greatest honors the Society can bestow.

2008-2011. University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship awarded from the UF Vice President for Research for “Distinguished Research Performance, Publications, Service and Commitment”.


Research interests: Integration of citrus stress physiology. Effects of light, temperature, mechanical harvesting, drought, salinity, pests and nutrient stress on water, carbon and nutrient budgets of citrus. Response measurements include: Photosynthesis, root conductivity, leaf water relations, plant carbohydrates, canopy development, fruit yield, fruit shape and quality. Resource use efficiency, N leaching loses.

Refereed Publications (since 2008)


Bandaranayake, W.M.Syvertsen, J.P.Schumann, A.Kadyampakeni, D.MLeaching losses from blueberries grown in sandy soils amended with pine bark. J. Environ. Qual. 20201– 11


Syvertsen, J.P., Garcia-Sanchez, F. 2014 Multiple abiotic stresses occurring with salinity stress in citrus. Environ. Exp. Bot. 103: 128-137.


Cimò, Giuseppe, Pedro Gonzalez Blanco, Wije Bandaranayake, Ed Etxeberria, Riccardo Lo Bianco and James Syvertsen. 2013. Carbohydrate and Nutritional Responses to Stem Girdling and Drought Stress with Respect to Understanding HLB Symptoms in Citrus. HortScience 48: 920-928.

Caballero, F., F. García-Sánchez, V. Gimeno, J. P. Syvertsen, V. Martínez and F. Rubio. 2013High affinity potassium uptake in seedlings of two citrus rootstocks Carrizo citrange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata [L.] Raf.) and Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tanaka) Aust. J. Crop Sci. 7(5):538-542.


Gonzalez, P., James P. Syvertsen and Ed Etxeberria. 2012. Sodium distribution in salt-stressed citrus rootstock seedlings. HortScience 47: 1504-1511.

Gimeno V., J.P. Syvertsen, I. Simón, M. Nieves, L. Díaz-López, V. Martínez, F. Garcia-Sanchez. 2012. Physiological and morphological responses to flooding with fresh or saline water in Jatropha Curcas. Environmental and Experimental Botany 78: 47-55.

Gimeno V, J.P. Syvertsen, I. Simon, V. Martinez, Jose M. Camara-Zapata, Manuel Nieves, F. Garcia-Sanchez. 2012. Interstock of Valencia orange affects the flooding tolerance in Verna lemon trees. HortScience 47:403-409.

Zambrosi, F.C. B., D. Mattos Jr., R.M. Boaretto, J.A. Quaggio, T. Muraoka and J.P. Syvertsen. 2012. Contribution of phosphorus (32P) absorption and remobilization for Citrus growth. Plant & Soil 355:353–362.

Grosser, J.W.,  Ahmad A. Omar, Julie A. Gmitter and J. P. Syvertsen. 2012. Salinity Tolerance of ‘Valencia’ Orange Trees on Allotetraploid Rootstocks. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 125:50–55. (Refereed Proceedings)


Zambrosi, F. D. DeMattos Jr. and J.P. Syvertsen. 2011. Plant growth, leaf photosynthesis, and nutrient-use efficiency of citrus rootstocks decrease with phosphite supply. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174: 487-495.

Melgar, J.C, and J.P. Syvertsen.  2011. Oleocellosis Injury of Fruitlets Caused by Late-Season Mechanical Harvesting of ‘Valencia’ Orange Trees After Different Irrigation Treatments Does Not Affect Internal Fruit Quality. HortSci 46(3): 457-459.


Melgar, J.C, J. Dunlop, L.G. Albrigo and J.P. Syvertsen.  2010. Winter drought stress can delay flowering and avoid immature fruit loss during late season mechanical harvesting of 'Valencia' oranges. HortScience 45: 271-276.

Syvertsen, J.P ., J.C. Melgar and F. García-Sánchez. 2010. Salinity Tolerance and Leaf Water Use Efficiency in Citrus. JASHS 135: 33-39.

Gimeno, V., J.P. Syvertsen, F. Rubio, V. Martínez and F. García-Sánchez. 2010. Growth and mineral nutrition are affected by substrate type and salt stress in seedlings of two contrasting Citrus rootstocks. J. Pl Nutr. 33: 1435–1447.

Melgar, J.C., A.W. Schumann and J.P. Syvertsen. 2010. Fertigation frequency affects growth and water and nitrogen use efficiencies of Swingle citrumelo citrus rootstock seedlings. HortScience 45:1255–1259.

Melgar, J.C., J. Dunlop and J.P. Syvertsen. 2010. Growth and Physiological Responses of the Citrus Rootstock Swingle Citrumelo Seedlings to Partial Rootzone Drying and Regulated Deficit Irrigation.  J of Agr Sci  148: 593-602.


Gimeno, V., J. P. Syvertsen, M. Nieves, I. Simón, V. Martínez and F. García-Sánchez.2009. Orange varieties as interstocks increase salt tolerance of lemon trees. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 84: 625-631.

Gimeno, V., J.P. Syvertsen, M. Nieves, I. Simón, V. Martínez and F. García-Sánchez. 2009. Additional nitrogen fertilization affects salt tolerance of lemon trees on different rootstocks. Sciencia Horticulturae. 121: 298–305.

García-Sánchez F. and J.P. Syvertsen. 2009. Substrate Type and Salinity Affect Growth Allocation, Tissue Ion Concentrations, and Physiological Responses of Carrizo Citrange Seedlings. HortSci. 44: 1432-1437.


Li, Kuo-Tan, J. Burns, and J. P. Syvertsen. 2008. Recovery from phytotoxicity after foliar application of fruit-loosening abscission compounds to citrus. JASHS 133:535–541.

Melgar, J.C., J.P. Syvertsen, and F. García-Sánchez. 2008. Can elevated CO2 improve the salt tolerance in ‘Koroneiki’ and ‘Picual’ olive tree cuttings? J Plant Physiology 165: 631-640.

Melgar, J.C, J.P. Syvertsen, V. Martínez and F. García-Sánchez. 2008. Leaf gas exchange, water relations, nutrient content and growth in citrus and olive seedlings under salinity. Biol. Plantarum 52 (2): 385-390.

Orbovic, Vladimir, J.P. Syvertsen, D. Bright, D. L. Van Clief & J.H. Graham. 2008. Growth of Citrus seedlings and their susceptibility to Phytophthora root rot are affected by PO^3 and PO^4 sources of phosphorus. J. Plant Nutrition 31: 774 - 787.

Non-Refereed Publications (since 2008)

Syvertsen, J.P., B. Page, M. Keeley, B. Booker, D. Sutherland, and Y. Yonce. 2017. Soil Microbial Product Interactions with HLB in Valence/Swingle Trees over Three Seasons at Three Contrasting Sites in Florida. Proc. FSHS 130: 66-70.

Syvertsen, J.P. and Wije Bandaranayake. 2012. Salinity Tolerance of ‘Hamlin’ Orange Trees on the Hybrid Rootstocks US-897 and x639 Is Greater than of Trees on Cleopatra Mandarin. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 125:56–60.

Ebel, R.C. K. Morgan, P.Newman, J. K. Burns, and J. Syvertsen. 2008. Effects of Short-Term Drought Stress of 'Hamlin' and 'Valencia' Trees and CMNP Application on Fruit Detachment Force, Fruit Drop, and Fruit Quality. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 121: 65-68. 

Schumann, A.W., J.P. Syvertsen, and J.H. Graham. 2008. Microbial Soil Amendments do Little to Improve Citrus Tree Performance in Florida Soils. Proc. FSHS 121: 134-139.