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UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Publications - Dr. Larry Duncan

Campos-Herrera, R., J. G. Ali, B. M. Diaz, L. W. Duncan. 2013. Analyzing spatial patterns linked to the ecology of herbivores and their natural enemies in the soil. Frontiers in Plant Science (In press).

Duncan, L. W. and M. Moens.  2013.  Migratory ectoparasites.  In:  Plant Nematology 2nd Edition.  R. Perry and M. Moens, Eds.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, (In press).

Ali 2013 Sending mixed messages: A trophic cascade produced by a belowground herbivore induced signal. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39: 1140-1147.

Kamali, S., J. Karimi, M. Hosseini, R. Campos-Herrera, L.W. Duncan. 2013. Biocontrol potential of the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae on Cucurbit fly, Dacus ciliatus (Diptera: Tephritidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology. 23: 1307-1323.

Campos-Herrera, R., Pathak E., El-Borai, F.E., Stuart, R.J., Gutiérrez, C., Rodríguez-Martín, J.A., Graham, J.H., Duncan, L.W. 2013. Geospatial patterns of soil properties and the biological control potential of entomopathogenic nematodes in Florida citrus groves. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 66: 163-174.

Campos-Herrera, R., Pathak E., El-Borai, F.E., Arnold Schumann, PhD; Mahfouz M Abd-Elgawad, Duncan, L.W. 2013. New citriculture system suppresses native and augmented entomopathogenic nematodes.  Biologial Control 66: 183-194.

Duncan, L.W., R.J. Stuart, F.E. El-Borai, R. Campos-Herrera, E. Pathak and J.H. Graham. 2013. Modifying orchard planting sites conserves entomopathogenic nematodes, reduces weevil herbivory and increases citrus tree growth, survival and fruit yield. Biological Control 64: 26-36.

De Luca, F. et al. 2012. Pratylenchus speijeri n. sp. root-lesion nematode pest of plantain in West Africa. Nematology 14: 987-1004.

Campos.Herrera, R., El-Borai, F.E., Duncan, L.W. 2012. Real-time PCR as an effective technique to assess the impact of phoresy by Paenibacillus sp. bacteria on Steinernema diaprepesi nematodes in nature. Molecular Ecology Resources 12, 885-893.

Campos–Herrera, R., F.E. El–Borai and L.W. Duncan. 2012. Wide interguild relationships among nematodes and fungi in soil as measured by real time qPCR. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 111:126-135.

Ali, J.G., H.T. Alborn, R.Campos-Herrera, F. Kaplan, L.W. Duncan, C. Rodriguez-Saona, A.M. Koppenhöfer and L.L. Stelinski. 2012. Subterranean, herbivore-induced plant volatile increases biological control activity of multiple beneficial nematode species in distinct habitats. PLoS ONE 7: e38146. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038146

Dolinski, C., H.Y. Choo, and L.W. Duncan. 2012. Grower acceptance of entomopathogenic nematodes: Case studies on three continents. Journal of Nematology 44: 226-235.

Gaver, T.P., A. Truszkowski, and L.W. Duncan. 2012. A summary of nematode soil sampling results from the Indian River area in 2010-2011Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 124: 93-95.

Pathak, E., F. E. El–Borai, R. Campos–Herrera, E.G. Johnsona, R.J. Stuart, J.H. Graham and L.W. Duncan. 2012. Use of real-time pcr to discriminate parasitic and saprophagous behavior by nematophagous fungi. Fungal Biology 116: 563-573.

El–Borai, F.E., R.J. Stuart, R. Campos–Herrera, E. Pathak, L.W. Duncan.  2012.  Entomopathogenic nematodes, root weevil larvae, and dynamic interactions among soil texture, plant growth, herbivory, and predation.  Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 109: 134-142.

Campos-Herrera, R., El-Borai, F., Stuart, R.J., Graham, J.H., and Duncan, L.W.  2011. Entomopathogenic nematodes, phoretic Paenibacillus spp, and the use of real time quantitative PCR to explore soil food webs in Florida citrus groves. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 108: 30-39.

El–Borai, F.E., Campos–Herrera, R., R.J. Stuart, and Duncan, L.W.  2011.  Substrate modulation, group effects and the behavioral responses of entomopathogenic nematodes to nematophagous fungi.  Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106: 347-356.

Campos–Herrera, R., Johnson, E., El–Borai, F.K., Stuart, R.J., Graham, J.H., and Duncan, L.W.  2011. Long-term stability of entomopathogenic nematode spatial patterns measured by sentinel insects and real-time PCR assays.  Annals of Applied Biology 158: 55-68.

De Luca, F., A. Troccoli, L. W. Duncan, S. A. Subbotin, L. Waeyenberge, M. Moens, and R. N. Inserra.  2010.  Characterization of a population of Pratylenchus hippeastri from bromeliads and description of its related new species, P. floridensis n. sp. and P. parafloridensis n. sp. from grasses in Florida.  Nematology 12: 847-868.

Campos-Herrera,  R., Duncan, L.W. , Stuart, R.J.,  El-Borai, F.  and Gutierrez, C.  2010. Entomopathogenic Nematode Ecology and Biological Control in Florida Citrus Orchards. In, Integrated Management of Arthropod Pests and Insect Borne Diseases, A. Ciancio & K. G. Mukerji, eds. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., p. 97-126.

Duncan, L. W. 2009. Managing nematodes in citrus orchards. In, Integrated Management of Fruit Crops and Forest Nematodes, A. Ciancio & K. G. Mukerji, eds. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., p.135-173.

Duncan, L.W., R. J. Stuart, and S. L. Lapointe.  2009. Use of landscape fabric to manage Diaprepes root weevil in citrus groves. Florida Entomologist 92: 74-79.

El-Borai, F.E. D.B. Bright, J.H. Graham, R.J. Stuart, J. Cubero, and L.W. Duncan.  2009.  Differential Susceptibility of Entomopathogenic Nematodes to Nematophagous Fungi from Florida Citrus Orchards.  Nematology 11: 233-243.

Duncan, L. W. and M. S. Phillips. 2009. Sampling root-knot nematodes. In, Root-knot nematodes, R. N. Perry, M. Moens, J. L. Starr.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, p.275-300.

Stuart, R. J., F. E. El-Borai, L. W. Duncan.  2008 From augmentation to conservation of entomopathogenic nematodes.  Trophic cascades, habitat manipulation and enhanced biological control of Diaprepes abbreviatus in Florida citrus groves.  Journal of Nematology 40: 73-84.

Futch, S. H., Graham, J. H., and Duncan, L. W. 2008. Citrus tree removal does not affect performance of reset trees. Horticulture Technology 18: 559-562.

McCoy, C. W., R. J. Stuart, D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, and L. W. Duncan.  2007.  Application and evaluation of entomopathogens for citrus pest control.  In:  Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology:  Application and Evaluation of Pathogens for Control of Insects and Other Invertebrate Pests, 2nd Edition (L. A. Lacey and H. K. Kaya, eds.).  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (in press).

Duncan, L.W., J.H. Graham, J. Zellers, D. Bright, D. C. Dunn, F.E. El-Borai, and D.L. Porazinska.  2007. Food web responses to augmenting the entomopathogenic nematodes in bare and animal manure–mulched soil.  Journal of Nematology 39:176-189.

Grosser, J.W., J.L. Chandler, and L.W. Duncan.  2007.  Production of mandarin + pummelo somatic hybrid citrus rootstocks with potential for improved tolerance/resistance to sting nematode.  Scientia Horticulturae 113: 33-36.

F. E. El-Borai, C. F. Brentu, and L. W. Duncan.  2007.  Augmenting entomopathogenic nematodes in soil from a Florida citrus orchard: Non-target effects of a trophic cascade.  Journal of Nematology 39: 203-210.

F.E. El-Borai and L.W. Duncan. 2007.  Suppression of Diaprepes abbreviatus in Potted Citrus by Combinations of Entomopathogenic Nematodes with Different Lifespans.  Nematropica 37: 33-41.

Duncan, L. W. and M. Moens.  2006.  Migratory ectoparasites.  In:  Plant Nematology.  R. Perry and M. Moens, eds.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, p. 123-153.

Inserra, R. N., R. Trocolli, U. Gozel, E. Bernard, D. Dunn, and L. W. Duncan.  2006.  Pratylenchus hippeastri n.sp. from amaryllis in Florida with notes on Pratylenchus scribneri and P. hexincisus.  Nematology 8:1-18.

Gozel, U., F. Lamberti, L. W. Duncan, A. Agostinelli, L. Rosso, K. Nguyen, and B. Adams.  2006.  Molecular and morphological consilience in the characterization and delimitation of five nematode species from Florida belonging to the Xiphinema americanum group.  Nematology 8:521-532.

Gozel, U., L. Duncan, B. Adams, K. Nguyen, R. Inserra, R. Giblin-Davis.  2006.  A phylogeny of Belonolaimus populations in Florida inferred from DNA sequences.  Nematropica 36:155-171.

Georgis, R., G. Belair, L. W. Duncan, P. S. Grewal, A. M. Koppenhöfer, L. A. Lacey, M. Samish, P. Torr, R. W. H. M. van Tol.  2006.  Successes and failures of entomopathogenic nematodes.  Biological Control 38:103-123.

Inserra, R. N., L. W. Duncan, D. Dunn, Z. A. Handoo, A. Troccoli, and J. Rowe. 2006. Pratylenchus jordanensis a junior synonym of P. zeae.  Nematropica 35:161-170.

Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., L. W. Duncan, L. A. Lacey, and R. Han.  2005.  Orchard crops.  In: Nematodes as Biological Control Agents.  P. Grewal, R.-U. Ehlers, and D. Shapiro-Ilan, eds.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, p. 215-230.

Elborai, F. E. and L. W. Duncan.  2005.  Nematode parasites of subtropical and tropical fruit trees.  In:  Plant‑Parasitic Nematodes in Tropical & Subtropical Agriculture.  Michel Luc, Richard Sikora, and John Bridge, eds.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, p. 467-491.

Duncan, L. W.  2005.  Nematode parasites of citrus.  In:  Plant‑Parasitic Nematodes in Tropical & Subtropical Agriculture.  Michel Luc, Richard Sikora, and John Bridge, eds.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, p. 437-466.

El-Borai, F. E., L. W. Duncan, and J. F. Preston.  2005.  Bionomics of a phoretic association between Paenibacillus sp. and the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema diaprepesi.  Journal of Nematology 37:18-25.

Barbercheck M. and L. W. Duncan.  2004.  Abiotic factors.  In:  Nematode Biology.  R. Gaugler and B. Bilgrami, eds.  CAB International, St. Albans, UK, p. 309-343.

Duncan, L.  2004.  Prevalent problems.  In:  Encyclopedia of Plant & Crop Science.  R. M. Goodman, ed.  Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 800-804.

McSorley, R. and L. W. Duncan.  2004.  Population dynamics.  In:  Nematology, Advances and Perspectives.  Z. X. Chen, S. Y. Chen, and D. W. Dickson, eds.  CAB International, Wallingford, UK, p. 469-492.

Molinari, S., F. Lamberti, L. W. Duncan, J. Halbrendt, J. Kotcon, G. S. Abawi, R. T. Robbins, A. P. Nyczepir, M. McHenry, J. C. Magunacelaya, R. Crozzoli, R. M. Lemos, P. Nagy, M. Moens, and D.J. F. Brown.  2004.  SOD polymorphism in Xiphinema americanum-group (Nematoda: Longidoridae).  Nematology 6:867-876.

Duncan, L. W., D. C. Dunn, and J. D. Zellers.  2003.  Hydraulic lift and the fate of subterranean organisms in dry soil in the citrus rhizosphere.  Proceedings of the International Citriculture IX Congress, Vol. II, p. 918-920.

McCoy, C. W., R. J. Stuart, L. W. Duncan, J. H. Graham, and H. N. Nigg.  2003.  Soil arthropod pest management for citrus:  Future solutions to a growing problem.  Proceedings of the International Citriculture IX Congress, Vol. II, p. 733-735.

El-Borai, F. E., L. W. Duncan, J. H. Graham, and E. Dickstein.  2003.  Tylenchulus semipenetrans alters the microbial community in the citrus rhizosphere.  Journal of Nematology 35:167-177.

Duncan, L. W., D. C. Dunn, G. Bague, and K. Nguyen.  2003.  Competition between entomopathogenic and free-living bactivorous nematodes in larvae of Diaprepes abbreviatus.  Journal of Nematology 35:187-193.

Duncan, L. W., J. H. Graham, D. C. Dunn, J. Zellers, C. W. McCoy, and K. Nguyen.  2003.  Incidence of endemic entomopathogenic nematodes following application of Steinernema riobrave for control of Diaprepes abbreviatus.  Journal of Nematology 35:178-186.

Nigg, H. N., S. E. Simpson, R. J. Stuart, L. W. Duncan, C. W. McCoy, and F. G. Gmitter, Jr.  2003.  Abundance of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) neonates falling to the soil under tree canopies in Florida citrus groves.  Journal of Economic Entomology 96:835-843.

Inserra, R. N., D. Achor, L. W. Duncan, and A. Troccoli.  2003.  Ultrastructure of the attachment and feeding sites of Gracilacus latescens Raski, 1976 in timber bamboo roots.  Nematology 5:307-312.

Macchia, E. T., R. McSorley, L. W. Duncan, and J. S. Syvertsen [sic].  2003.  Effects of perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata) ground cover on nematode communities in citrus.  Journal of Nematology 35:450-457.

Nguyen, K. B. and L. W. Duncan.  2002.  Steinernema diaprepese n. sp. (Rhabditida:  Steinernematidae) a parasite of the citrus root weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus (L).  Journal of Nematology 34:159-170.

McCoy, C. W., R. J. Stuart, L. W. Duncan, and K. Nguyen.  2002.  Field efficacy of two commercial preparations of entomopathogenic nematodes against larvae of Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in alfisol type soil.  Florida Entomologist 85:537‑544.[0537:FEOTCP]2.0.CO;2

Lamberti, F., F. De Luca, S. Molinari, L. W. Duncan, A. Agostinelli, M. I. Coiro, D. Dunn, and V. Radici.  2002.  Xiphinema chambersi and Xiphinema naturale sp.n., two monodelphic longidorids (Nematoda, Dorylaimida) from Florida.  Nematologia Mediterranea 30:3-10.

Lamberti, F., F. De Luca, S. Molinari, L. W. Duncan, A. Agostinelli, M. I. Coiro, D. Dunn, and V. Radici.  2002.  Studies on some species of the Xiphinema americanum group (Nematoda, Dorylaimida) occurring in Florida.  Nematologia Mediterranea 30:31-44.

Corio, M. I., F. Lamberti, N. Sasanelli, L. W. Duncan, and A. Agostinelli.  2002.  Reproduction and longevity of Xiphinema vulgare (Nematoda).  Nematologia Mediterranea 30:91-95.

El-Borai, F. E., L. W. Duncan, and J. H. Graham.  2002.  Eggs of Tylenchulus semipenetrans inhibit growth of Phytophthora nicotianae and Fusarium solani in vitro.  Journal of Nematology 34:267-272.

El-Borai, F. E., L. W. Duncan, and J. H. Graham.  2002.  Infection of citrus roots reduces root infection by Phytophthora nicotianae.  Journal of Nematology 34:384-389.

Duncan, L. W. and C. W. McCoy.  2001.  Hydraulic lift increases herbivory by Diaprepes abbreviatus larvae and persistence of Steinernema riobrave in dry soil.  Journal of Nematology 33:142-146.

McCoy, C. W., L. W. Duncan, and D. I. Shapiro.  2001.  Effect of Enzone as a soil fumigant on larval survival of Diaprepes abbreviatus in container-grown citrus.  Florida Entomologist 84:147-150.

Inserra, R. N., L. W. Duncan, A. Troccoli, D. Dunn, J. Maia Sos Santos, and N. Vovlas.  2001.  Pratylenchus jaehni sp.n. from citrus in Brazil and a redescription of P. coffeae.  Nematology 3:653-665.

Duncan, L. W., C. W. McCoy, P. A. Stansly, J. H. Graham, and R. F. Mizell.  2001.  Estimating the relative abundance of citrus root weevils with modified Tedders traps.  Environmental Entomology 30:939-946.

Lamberti, F., L. W. Duncan, F. DeLuca, S. Molinari, A. Agostinelli, D. Dunn, M. Coiro, V. Radicci.  2001.  Biometric and molecular characterization and juvenile development stages of Xiphinema vulgare Tarjan 1964 (Nematode, Dorylaimida).  Nematologia Mediterranea 29:137-144.

McKenzie, C. L., S. L. Lapointe, and L. W. Duncan.  2001.  Landscape fabric as a physical barrier to neonate Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).  Florida Entomologist 84:721-722.

McCoy, C. W., D. I. Shapiro, and L. W. Duncan.  2000.  Application and evaluation of entomopathogens for citrus pest control.  In:  Manual of Techniques in Insect Pathology, Field Techniques.  L. Lacey and H. Kaya, eds., p. 577-596.

Duncan, L. W.  2000.  Burrowing nematodes.  In:  Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology.  Otis C. Maloy and Timothy D. Murray, eds.  John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, p. 167-168.

Duncan, L. W.  2000.  Citrus slow decline.  In:  Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology.  Otis C. Maloy and Timothy D. Murray, eds.  John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, p. 119-220.

Duncan, L. W.  2000.  Citrus spreading decline.  In:  Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology.  Otis C. Maloy and Timothy D. Murray, eds.  John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, p. 220-222.

Ling, P., L. W. Duncan, Z. Deng, D. Dunn, X. Hu, S. Huang, and F. G. Gmitter, Jr.  2000.  Inheritance of citrus nematode resistance and its linkage with molecular markers.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics 100:1010-1017.

McCoy, C. W., D. I. Shapiro, L. W. Duncan, and K. Nguyen.  2000.  Entomopathogenic nematodes and other natural enemies as mortality factors for larvae of Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).  Biological Control 19:182-190.

Lehman, P. S., N. Vovlas, R. N. Inserra, L. W. Duncan, and D. T. Kaplan.  2000.  Colonization of foliar tissues of an aquatic plant Anubias barteri Schott by Radopholus similis.  Nematropica 30:63-75.