Publications - Dr. Lawrence Parsons
PhD. Duke University 1972 Botany, Dr. Paul J. Kramer, Advisor
M.S. University of California, Davis 1968 Plant Physiology, Dr. W. J. Flocker, Advisor
A.B. University of California, Davis 1967 Biological Sciences
Past Positions
1979 - Present Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, FL
1974 - 1979 Assistant Professor, Horticulture Department, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
1972 - 1974 Research Associate, Botany Department, Duke University, Durham, NC
1968 - 1972 Research Assistant, Botany Department, Duke University, Durham, NC
1967 - 1968 Research Assistant, Vegetable Crops Department, University of California, Davis, CA
Citrus water management and freeze protection. Effects of reclaimed water on citrus tree performance. Microsprinkler irrigation management for optimum growth and production. Frost protection using water.
Beat Water Restrictions with Reclaimed Water-- Interview with Channel 10 Tampa
Improved Soil Water Sensors Aid in Irrigation Management -- Soil Science Society of America news release
Refereed Publications
Parsons, L. R. 2015. Microsprinkler irrigation for frost protection of citrus in Florida. Proc. XII Intl. Citrus Congress. Acta Hort. 1065, ISHS. Vol. 2. Pp. 1437-1442.
Parsons, L. R., B. Sheikh, R. Holden, and D.W. York. 2010. Reclaimed water as an alternative water source for crop irrigation. HortScience 45(11):1626-1629.
Parsons, L. R., and W. Bankaranayake. 2009. Performance of a New Capacitance Soil Moisture Probe in a Sandy Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 73(4): 1378-1385.
Fares, A., A. Dogan, F. Abbas, L.R. Parsons, T.A. Obreza, and K.T. Morgan. 2008. Water Balance Components in a Mature Citrus Orchard. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 72:578-585.
Morgan, K.T., T.A. Wheaton, L.R. Parsons, and W.S. Castle. 2008. Effects of reclaimed municipal waste water on horticultural characteristics, fruit quality, and soil and leaf mineral concentration of citrus. Hortscience. 43(2):459-464.
L.R. Parsons, W.M. Bandaranayake, M.S. Borhan, and J.D. Holeton. 2007. Performance of a Capacitance-Type Soil Water Probe in a Well-Drained Sandy Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 71(3):993-1002.
Junior, A., J.M.V. Folegatti, L.R. Parsons, W. Bandaranayake, C.R. da Silva, T. da Silva, and L. Campeche. 2006. Determination of the crop coefficient for grafted ‘Tahiti’ lime trees and soil evaporation coefficient of Rhodic Kandiudalf clay soil in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Irrig. Sci. 10 pp.
Parsons, L.R. and B. Boman. 2006. Best management practices for Florida citrus. HortTechnology 16(3):389-393.
Morgan, K., T. Obreza, J. Scholberg, L.R. Parsons, and T.A. Wheaton. 2006. Citrus water uptake dynamics on a sandy Florida entisol. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:90-97.
Wheaton, T.A., L.R. Parsons, and K.T. Morgan. 2006. Simulating annual irrigation requirement for citrus on excessively drained soils. HortScience 41(6):1487-1492.
Fares, A., P. Buss, M. Dalton, A.I. El-Kadi, and L.R. Parsons. 2004. Dual field calibration of capacitance and neutron soil water sensors in a shrinking-swelling clay soil. Vadose Zone J. 3:1390-1399.
Fereres, E., D.A. Goldhamer, and L.R. Parsons. 2003. Irrigation water management of horticultural crops. HortScience 38(5):1036-1042.
Fares, A., L.R. Parsons, J. Ŝimůnek, M. van Genuchten, and T.A. Wheaton. 2002. Effects of emitter distribution patterns and soil type on water and solute distribution following microirrigation. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 61:46-56.
Morgan, K.T., T.A. Obreza, T.A. Wheaton, and L.R. Parsons. 2002. Comparison of soil matric potential measurements using tensiometric and resistance methods. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 61:63-66.
Parsons, L.R., T.A. Wheaton, and W.S. Castle. 2002. Reclaimed water - A new irrigation source for citrus irrigation in Florida. Proc. U.S. Comm. Irrig. Drain., Environ. Water Resour. Inst. Conf. pp. 213-220.
Scholberg, J.M.S., L.R. Parsons, T.A. Wheaton, B.L. McNeal, and K.T. Morgan. 2002. Soil temperature, nitrogen concentration, and residence time affect nitrogen uptake efficiency in Citrus. J. Environ. Qual. 31:759-768.
Morgan, K.T., L.R. Parsons, and T.A. Wheaton. 2001. Comparison of laboratory- and field-derived soil water retention curves for a fine sand soil using tensiometric, resistance and capacitance methods. Plant Soil 234:153-157.
Parsons, L.R., T.A. Wheaton, and W.S. Castle. 2001. High application rates of reclaimed water benefit citrus tree growth and fruit production. HortScience 36(7):1273-1277.
EDIS Publications
Parsons, L. R. 2009. Reclaimed Water for Homeowner Irrigation. HS1157. EDIS pub. 5pp.
Parsons, L.R. and T.A. Wheaton. 2006. Tree Density, Hedging, and Topping. HS-1026. EDIS pub. 3 pp.
Obreza, T., L.R. Parsons, and K.T. Morgan. 2006. Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources: What Does The Future Hold for Citrus Producers? SL-238. EDIS pub. 4 pp.
Noling, J.W., L.R. Parsons, and T.A. Wheaton. 2005. 2006 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide: Best Management Practices for Soil-Applied Agricultural Chemicals. HS-185. EDIS pub. 5 pp.
Parsons, L.R. and B.J. Boman. 2003. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus. HS-931. EDIS pub. 9 pp.
Non-refereed Publications
Parsons, L. R. 2007. Parsons on Citrus: Freeze Forecast. Florida Grower, January 2007, p. 32. PDF
Parsons, L. R. 2007. Parsons on Citrus: Timely Irrigation Issues. Florida Grower, March 2007, p.44. PDF
Parsons, L. R. 2007. Parsons on Citrus: Reclaiming a Resource, May 2007, p.40. PDF
Parsons, L. R. 2007. Parsons on Citrus: Climate Change. Florida Grower, July 2007, p.30.
Parsons, L. R. 2007. Parsons on Citrus: Fuel Ethanol from Orange Peels. Florida Grower, September 2007, p.42. PDF
Parsons, L. R. 2007. Parsons on Citrus: Century of Scientific Progress. Florida Grower, December 2007, p.46. PDF
Parsons, L.R. 2006. Freeze factors. Florida Grower 99(1):46. PDF
Parsons, L.R. 2006. Time to irrigate and fertilize. Florida Grower 99(3):50.
Parsons, L.R. 2006. Water works. Florida Grower 99(5):34. PDF
Parsons, L.R. 2006. Hurricane season…Again. Florida Grower 99(7):28. PDF
Parsons, L.R. 2006. The future of Florida fuel. Florida Grower 99(9):30. PDF
Parsons, L.R. 2006. Ethanol: Here to stay. Florida Grower 99(11):37. PDF
Parsons, L.R. 2006. Freeze factors. Florida Grower 99(1):46.
Obreza, T., L.R. Parsons, and K. Morgan. 2006. Nitrogen fertilizer sources: What does the future hold for citrus producers? Citrus Industry 87(1):12-13.
Parsons, L. R. 2006. Time to irrigate and fertilize. Florida Grower 99(3):50.
MacArthur, D.K., J.K. Schueller, W.S. Lee, C.D. Crane, E.Z. MacArthur, and L.R. Parsons. 2006. Remotely-piloted helicopter citrus yield map estimation. Paper No. 063096 ASABE Annual Meeting.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Weather and irrigation for the new year. Citrus Industry 86(1):16-17.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Essential irrigation–The right time. Florida Grower 98(2):30.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Sensors equal savings. Florida Grower 98(4):42.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Population boom. Florida Grower 98(7):29.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Predictions for the 2005 hurricane season. Florida Grower 98(9):34.
Parsons, L.R. and T.A. Wheaton. 2005. Tree density, hedging, and topping. Citrus Industry 86(6):14-18.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Freeze protection with microsprinklers. Citrus Industry 86(6):23-24.
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Freeze Forecast. Florida Grower 98(11):38.
Published Abstracts, Papers presented at International meetings
Parsons, L.R. and B. Boman. 2005. Best management practices in Florida citrus production. HortScience 40(4):942.
Bandaranayake, W.M., L.R. Parsons, and M.S. Borhan. 2005. Challenges in scheduling irrigations for citrus crops grown in the well drained sandy soils of Florida. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. 69th Ann. Meet. Prog., p.117.
Creative Works
Parsons, L.R. 2005. Orie Lee Video for Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. I was the narrator for this video.
Parsons, L.R. 2004. Citrus Cold Protection. CREC Home Web Page November 2004-February 2005.