Publications - Dr. Masoud Salyani
Program Emphasis
- Characterization of spray droplet atomization and transport in airblast applications
- Evaluation of changes in sprayer design and pesticide application techniques
- Assessment of spray deposition and drift from ground and aerial applications
- Development of GPS/GIS techniques for VRT application of pesticides
- Development of sensors and methodologies for spray technology research
- Development of a model and expert system for predicting spray deposition and drift
- Efficient application of agrochemicals in citrus production systems
Recent Refereed Publications
Salyani, M., H. Zhu, R.D. Sweeb, N.Pai. 2013. Assessment of spray distribution with water-sensitive paper. Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal 15(2): 101-111.
Larbi, P. A. and M. Salyani. 2013. Discretization for a spray deposition model: Criteria for temporal and spatial differencing. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 97:35-39.
Salyani, M., D. R. Miller, M. Farooq, R. D. Sweeb. 2013. Effects of sprayer operating parameters on drift potential of citrus air-carrier sprayers. Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal 15 (1): 27-36.
Vanella, G., M. Salyani, P. Balsari. 2013. Spray interactions with a windbreak netting used in orchard applications. Crop Protection 44: 95-103.
Larbi, P.A. and M. Salyani. 2012. CitrusSprayEx: an expert system for planning citrus spray applications. Jour. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 87: 85-93.
Boina. D. R., M. Salyani, S. Tiwari, K. Pelz-Stelinski, and L. L. Stelinski. 2012. Spray droplet size affects efficacy of fenpropathrin against Asian citrus psyllid. Journal of ASTM International 9(11): 1-13.
Farooq, M., M. Salyani, and T.W. Walker. 2012. Droplet characteristics and near nozzle dispersion of cold and thermal fogs. Journal of ASTM International 9(10):1-16.
Larbi, P.A. and M. Salyani. 2012. Model to predict spray deposition in citrus airblast sprayer applications-Part 2: Spray deposition. Transactions of the ASABE 55(1): 41-48.
Larbi, P.A. and M. Salyani. 2012. Model to predict spray deposition in citrus airblast sprayer applications-Part 1: Spray dispersion. Transactions of the ASABE 55(1):29-39.
Miller, D.R., L R. Khot, A.L. Hiscox, M. Salyani, T.W. Walker, and M. Farooq. 2012. Effect of atmospheric conditions on coverage of fogger applications in a desert surface boundary layer. Transactions of the ASABE 55(2): 351-361.
Khot, L.R., M. Salyani, M. Farooq, T. W. Walker, R. D. Sweeb, P.A. Larbi, V. Smith, R. Pomolis, C.A. Stoops. 2011. Assessment of aerosol deposition and movement in open field conditions. Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal 13 (3): 1-12.
Vanella, G., M. Salyani, P. Balsari. S.H. Futch, and R.D. Sweeb. 2011. A method for assessing drift potential of a citrus herbicide applicator. HortTechnology 21(6):745-751.
Vanella, G., M. Salyani, and P. Balsari. 2011. Effect of the nozzle adaptor of sprayer calibrator on flow rate measurements. Crop Protection 30 (8):1043-1047.
Khot, L R., D.R. Miller, A.L. Hiscox, M. Salyani, T.W. Walker, and M. Farooq. 2011. Extrapolation of droplet catch measurements in aerosol application treatments. Atomization and Sprays 21(2):149-158.
Udumala Savary, S. K. J., R. Ehsani, M. Salyani, M.A. Hebel, and G.C. Bora. 2011. Study of force distribution in the citrus tree canopy during harvest using a continuous canopy shaker. Jour. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (1):51-58.
Zhu, H., M. Salyani, and R.D. Fox. 2011. A portable scanning system for evaluation of spray deposit distribution. Jour. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (1): 38-43.
Khot, L.R., M. Salyani, and R.D. Sweeb. 2010. Solar and storage degradations of oil- and water-soluble fluorescent dyes. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27(2):211-216.
Boina, D.R., E.O. Onagbola, M. Salyani, and L.L Stelinski. 2009. Antifeedant and sublethal effects of imidacloprid on Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. Pest management Science 65: 870-877.
Pai, N., M. Salyani, and R.D. Sweeb. 2009. Regulating airflow of orchard airblast sprayer based on tree foliage density. Transactions of the ASABE 52 (5):1423-1428.
Boina, D.R., E.O. Onagbola, M. Salyani, and L.L Stelinski. 2009. Influence of posttreatment temperature on the toxicity of insecticides against Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 102 (2): 685-691.
Min, M. R. Ehsani, and M. Salyani. 2008. Dynamic accuracy of GPS receivers in citrus orchards. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 24(6):861-868.
Salyani, M., M. Farooq, and R. D. Sweeb. 2007. Spray deposition and mass balance in citrus orchard applications. Transactions of the ASABE 50 (6):1963-1969.
Salyani, M., W.M. Miller, S. Buchanon, and R. D. Sweeb. 2007. Managing aldicarb application with GPS/GIS systems. J. ASTM International 4(5):1-7.
Tumbo, S.D., M. Salyani, W.M. Miller, R. D. Sweeb, and S. Buchanon. 2007. Evaluation of a variable rate controller for aldicarb application around buffer zones in citrus groves. J. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 56 (2):147-160.
Salyani, M., R. D. Sweeb, and M. Farooq. 2006. Comparison of string and ribbon samplers in orchard spray applications. Transactions of the ASAE 49 (6):1705-1710.
Miller, W.M. and M. Salyani. 2006. Stewardship monitoring and control of aldicarb application to florida citrus. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(3): 351-356.
Salyani, M. and W. M. Miller. 2005. Precision application technology for monitoring soil applied pesticides in Florida citrus production. FRUTIC 05, Information and technology for sustainable fruit and vegetable production, 12-16/09/2005, Montpellier, France, pp 633-642.
Wei, J. and M. Salyani. 2005. Development of a laser scanner for measuring tree canopy characteristics, Phase 2: Foliage density measurement. Transactions of the ASAE 48 (4): 1595-1601.
Salyani, M. and J. Wei. 2005. Effect of travel speed on characterizing citrus canopy structure with a laser scanner. In: Precision Agriculture ’05, J.V. Stafford, Ed., pp 185-192.
Farooq, M. Salyani, M., and Whitney, J. D. 2005. Comparison of abscission spray application practices for mechanical harvesting of oranges. Journal of ASTM International2(4): 1-13.
Wei, J. and M. Salyani. 2004. Development of a laser scanner for measuring tree canopy characteristics, Phase 1: Prototype development. Transactions of the ASAE 47 (6): 2101-2107.
Stover, E., D. Scotto, C. Wilson, and M. Salyani. 2004. Pesticide spraying in Indian River grapefruit: III. Opportunities for improving efficiency while reducing off-target deposition. HortTechnology 14 (4): 564-574.
Farooq, M., M. Salyani, and J. D. Whitney. 2004. Abscission spray application practices for mechanical harvesting of oranges. ASTM STP 1460: Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems 24: 105-117.
Stover, E., J. Hebb, R. Sonoda, and M. Salyani. 2004. Airblast application of copper fungicide to grapefruit does not affect windscar. HortScience 39(3): 516-519.
Farooq, M. and M. Salyani. 2004. Flow rate errors of atomizers used on orchard tower sprayers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 20(4): 417-422.
Zaman, Q.U. and M. Salyani. 2004. Effects of foliage density and ground speed on ultrasonic measurement of citrus tree volume. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 20(2): 173-178.
Farooq, M. and M. Salyani. 2004. Modeling of spray penetration and deposition on citrus tree canopies. Transactions of the ASAE 47 (3): 619-627.
Salyani M. and M. Farooq. 2003. Sprayer air energy demand for satisfactory spray coverage in citrus applications, Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.116: 298-304.
Salyani, M. 2003. Droplet size affects durability of spray deposits. ASTM STP 1449: Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems 23: 221-233.
Farooq, M., M. Salyani, and J. D. Whitney. 2003. Effect of application techniques on abscission chemical deposition and mechanical harvesting of ‘Valencia’ oranges. HortTechnology 13(2): 12-19.
Stover, E., D. Scotto, C. Wilson, and M. Salyani. 2003. Pesticide spraying in Indian River grapefruit: II. Overview of factors influencing spray efficacy and off-target deposition. HortTechnology 13(1): 166-177.
Salyani, M., J. D. Whitney, and M. Farooq. 2002. Application of abscission sprays for mechanical harvesting of Hamlin orange. ASTM STP 1430: Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems 22: 134-147.
Farooq, M., M. Salyani, and J. D. Whitney. 2002. Improving the efficacy of abscission sprays for mechanical harvesting of oranges. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.115: 247-252.
Farooq, M. and M. Salyani. 2002. Spray penetration into citrus tree canopy from two application systems. Transactions of the ASAE 45(5): 1287-1293.
Salyani, M., L.W. Timmer, C.W. McCoy, and R.C. Littell. 2002. Petroleum spray oils in Florida citrus applications. in: Spray Oils Beyond 2000 - Sustainable Pest and Disease Management. University of Western Sydney, Australia, pp 595-600.
Tumbo, S.D., M. Salyani, J. D. Whitney, T. A. Wheaton, and W. M. Miller. 2002. Investigation of Laser and Ultrasonic Ranging Sensors for Measurements of Citrus Canopy Volume. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 18 (3): 367-372.
Salyani, M., E. BenSalem, and J. D. Whitney. 2002. Spray deposition and abscission efficacy of CMN-Pyrazole in mechanical harvesting of ‘Valencia’ orange. Transactions of the ASAE 45 (2): 265-271.
Theriault, R., M. Salyani, and B. Panneton. 2001. Spray distribution and recovery in citrus application with a recycling sprayer. Transactions of the ASAE 44(5): 1083-1088.
Whitney, J.D., E. BenSalem, and M. Salyani. 2001. The effect of trunk shaker patterns on Florida orange removal. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17 (4): 461-464.
Salyani, M., E. BenSalem, and J. D. Whitney. 2001. Spray deposition effect on abscission efficacy of CMN-pyrazole in harvesting oranges. ASTM STP 1414:Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems 21: 185-196.
Theriault, R., M. Salyani, and B. Panneton. 2001. Development of a recycling sprayer for efficient orchard pesticide application. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17 (2): 143-150.
Fox, R.D., M. Salyani, J. A. Cooper, and R.D. Brazee. 2001. Spot size comparisons on oil/water sensitive paper. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17 (2): 131-136.
Whitney, J.D., U. Hartmond, W.J. Kender, J.K. Burns, and M. Salyani. 2000. Orange removal with trunk shakers and abscission chemicals. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16(4): 367-371.
Koo, Y.M., M. Salyani, and J.D. Whitney. 2000. Spray variable effects on abscission of orange fruit for mechanical harvesting. Transactions of the ASAE 43(5): 1067-1073.
Salyani, M. 2000. Optimization of deposition efficiency for airblast sprayers. Transactions of the ASAE 43(2 ): 247-253.