Dr. Megan Dewdney
Associate Professor - Plant Pathology
and Extension Specialist
Program Emphasis
Extension responsibilities focus on integrated management and control measures for citrus canker and citrus greening with additional responsibilities for fungal pathogens. Research projects include better understanding the biology of both bacterial and fungal pathogens to lead to enhanced control.
- Program Members
- Publications
- Ph.D. Plant Pathology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (NYSAES), Cornell University, Geneva NY
- M.Sc. Plant Science with specialization in Plant Pathology, McGill University, Montréal PQ, Canada
- B.Sc. Plant Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada
Past Positions
- Graduate Research Assistant, 2001-2007. NYSAES Cornell University, Geneva NY
- Graduate Research Assistant, 1998-2000. McGill University, Montréal PQ