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UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Publications - Dr. Megh Singh

Program Emphasis

This position is responsible for the total weed management research program for citrus. The main objective of my program is to develop the most efficient, economic, sustainable, and environmentally sound weed management system for Florida citrus. In order to achieve these objectives, I am currently working in the following areas of weed science:

Using field and laboratory approaches, research is being conducted on:

  • (1) determining the efficacy of available herbicides, including chemical screening and phytotoxicity;
  • (2) increasing the effectiveness of herbicides, including volume, time of application, additives, and equipment;
  • (3) weed biology, including seed germination ecology;
  • (4) integration of weed control methods for citrus nurseries and groves with production practices;
  • (5) allelopathy and other biological control methods;
  • (6) herbicide physiology, herbicide resistance; and
  • (7) herbicide-soil interaction studies on leaching behavior of herbicides to reduce the risk of groundwater contamination.


V.B.H.S. School, Sasni, India




Agra Univ., Agra, India


B.S. (Ag.)


U.P. Agr. Univ., Pantnagar, India


M.S. (Ag.)


University of Florida, Gainesville




Specialization were Agriculture (M.S.) and Weed Science (Ph.D.)

M.S. (Ag.) - Effect of Simazine and Prometryne on the control of weeds in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) variety Asiriya Mwitunde.

Ph.D. - Response of sugarcane and two annual weedy grasses to s-Triazine herbicide-surfactant combinations.

Past Positions

  • 1964-66, Agr, Extension Officer, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • 1966-68, Graduate Assistant, U.P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar
  • 1968-72, Lecturer, U.P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar
  • 1972-77, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Florida
  • 1977-78, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Florida
  • 1978-80, Research Associate, University of Georgia
  • 1980-Present, CREC, University of Florida

Refereed Publications

Puri, A., G. E. MacDonald, W. T. Haller, and Megh Singh. 2007. Growth and reproductive physiology of fluridone-susceptible and -resistant hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) biotypes. Weed Sci. 55:441-445.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2007. Effect of surfactant on leaching of pendimethalin in Florida Candler fine sand. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 78:91-94.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2007. Effect of two surfactant series on absorption and translocation of 14C-glyphosate in sicklepod and prickly sida. J. Weed Biol. Management 7:219-225.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2007. Effect of timing and rates of application of glyphosate and carfentrazone herbicides and their mixtures on the control of some broadleaf weeds. HortScience 42:1221-1226.

Abouziena, H. F., M. F. El-Karmany, Megh Singh, and S. D. Sharma. 2007. Effect of nitrogen rates and weed control treatments on the yield attributing parameters of maize and associated weeds in sandy soils. Weed Technol. 21:1049-1053.

Sharma, S. D., Megh Singh, R. H. Brlansky, and C. A. Chase. 2007. Effects of adjuvants and epicuticular waxes, absorption and translocation of 14C-glyphosate. Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Adjuvants for Agrochemicals, Columbus, OH, August 6-9, 2007.

Abouziena, H. F., O. M. Hafez, I. M. El-Metwally, S. D. Sharma, and Megh Singh. 2007. Comparison of weed suppression and mandarin fruit yield and quality obtained with organic mulches, synthetic mulches, cultivation, and glyphosate. HortScience 43(3):795-799.

Singh, S. and Megh Singh. 2007. Effect of adjuvants on Trifloxysulfuron efficacy and chlorophyll fluorescence of sicklepod, guineagrass, yellow nutsedge, and cotton. Indian J. Weed Sci. 39:1-12.

Singh, S., R. S. Buker, III, and Megh Singh. 2007. Weed seedling emergence as affected by the interactions of seed morphology and environmental conditions. Indian J. Weed Sci. 39:155-161.

Abouziena, H. F., E. R. El-Desoki, S. Sharma, A.A.M. Omar, and Megh Singh. 2007. Evaluation of sowing in hills on ridges as a new technique for enhancement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity under weed control treatments. Egypt. J. Agron. 29:85-100.

Singh, Davesh and Megh Singh. 2008. Absorption and translocation of glyphosate with conventional and organosilicone adjuvants. J. Weed Biol. Management 8:104-111.

Mueller, T. C., T. A. Ellis, J. E. Beeler, S. D. Sharma, and Megh Singh. 2008. Shikimate accumulation in nine weedy species following glyphosate application. Weed Res. 48:455–460.

Abouziena, H. F., R. A. Elmergawi, S. Sharma, A. A. Omar, and Megh Singh. 2009. Zinc antagonizes glyphosate efficacy on yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus). Weed Sci. 57:16-20.

Abouziena, H.F.H., A.A.M. Omar, S. D. Sharma, and Megh Singh. 2009. Efficacy comparison of some new natural-product herbicides for weed control at two growth stages. Weed Technol. 23:431-437.

Abouziena, H. F.H., S. D. Sharma, and M. Singh. 2009. Impact of adjuvants on bentazon efficacy on selected broadleaf weeds. Crop Prot. 28:1081-1085.

Singh, S. and M. Singh. 2009. Interactions of basil (Ocimum sanctum L.) with some weed species - competition or allelopathy. Indian J. Weed Sci. 41:12-22.

Singh, S. and M. Singh . 2009. Effect of temperature, light and pH on germination of twelve weed species. Indian J. Weed Sci. 41:113-126.

Singh, S. and M. Singh . 2009. Effect of temperature and water potential on germination of twelve weed species. Indian J. Weed Sci. 41:134-145.

Chhokar, R. S., S. Singh, R. K. Sharma, and M. Singh. 2009. Compatibility of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl with carfentrazone-ethyl metsulfuron-methyl and 2, 4-D for controlling complex weeds of wheat. Indian J. Weed Sci. 41:150-156.

M. Singh, S. D. Sharma and S. Singh. 2009. Effect of adjuvants and their concentration on rainfastness of glyphosate. Indian J. Weed Sci. 41:199-206.

Singh, Megh, M. Malik, A. H. M. Ramirez, and A. J. Jhala. 2011. Tank mix of saflufenacil with glyphosate and pendimethalin for weed control in Florida citrus. HortTechnology 21:606-615.

Singh, Megh, S. D. Sharma, A. H. M. Ramirez, and A. J. Jhala. 2011. Glyphosate efficacy, absorption and translocation in selected four weed species common to Florida citrus. HortTechnology 21:599-605.

Singh, Megh, A.H.M. Ramirez, S.D. Sharma, and A. J. Jhala. 2012. Factors affecting germination of tall morningglory. Weed Sci. 60:64-68.

Bhullar, M. S., U. S. Walia, S. Singh, Megh Singh, and A. J. Jhala. 2012. Control of morningglories (Ipomoea spp.) in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Weed Technol. 26:77-82.

Jhala, A. J., A. H. M. Ramirez, and Megh Singh. 2012. Leaching of indaziflam applied at two rates under different rainfall situations in Florida Candler soils. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 88:326-332.

Ramirez, A.H.M., A. J. Jhala, and Megh Singh. 2012. Germination and emergence characteristics of common beggar's-tick (Bidens alba). Weed Sci.60: 374-378.

Ramirez, A.H.M., Jhala, A.J., and Singh, M. (2012). Efficacy of PRE and POST Herbicides for Control of Citron Melon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides). Weed Technology 26:783-788.

Jhala, A.J., Ramirez, A.H.M., and Singh, M. (2012). Rimsulfuron Tank Mixed with Flumioxazin, Pendimethalin, or Oryzalin for Control of Broadleaf Weeds in Citrus. Horttechnology 22: 638-643.

Jhala, A.J., Malik, M., Ramirez, A.H.M., and Singh, M. (2012). Weed control efficacy and citrus response to flazasulfuron applied alone or in combination with other herbicides. American Journal of Plant Sciences 3:520-527.

Bhullar, M.S., Kaur, S., Kaur, T., Singh, T., Singh, M., and Jhala, A.J. (2013). Control of broadleaf weeds with post-emergence herbicides in four barley (Hordeum spp.) cultivars. Crop Protection 43, 216-222.

Jhala, A.J., Ramirez, A.H.M., Knezevia, S., VanDamme, P., and Singh, M. (2013). Herbicide Tank Mixtures for Broad Spectrum Weed Control in Florida Citrus. Weed Technology (In press).

Non-refereed Publications

Futch, S. H. and Megh Singh. 2007. Weeds in Florida citrus – New challenges and opportunities. Citrus Industry 88(3):15-17.

Sharma, S. D., Megh Singh, E. K. Rawls, and J. B. Taylor. 2007. Defoliation of citrus trees by diquat. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 120:120-126.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2007. Effect of physiocochemical properties of two surfactant series on the distribution of 14C-glyphosate. Proc. 21st Asian Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf. Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 2-6, 2007. p. 456-462.

Futch, S. H. and Megh Singh. 2007. Florida Citrus pest management guide: Weeds. In: 2007 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide. M. E. Rogers and L. W. Timmer (eds.). Univ. of Fla., IFAS Coop. Ext. Serv. SP-43. 13 p.

Futch, S. H. and Megh Singh. 2008. Florida Citrus pest management guide: Weeds. In: 2008 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide. M. E. Rogers, L. W. Timmer, and T. M. Spann (eds.). Univ. of Fla., IFAS Coop. Ext. Serv. SP-43. 13 p.

Sharma, S. D., Megh Singh, and S. H. Futch. 2008. Glyphosate and carfentrazone herbicides for difficult-to-control weeds in Citrus. Proc. Fla. State. Hort. Soc. 121:81-84.

Futch, S. and M. Singh. 2009. Florida Citrus pest management guide: Weeds. In: 2009 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide. M. E. Rogers, M. M. Dewdney, and T. M. Spann (eds.). Univ. of Fla., IFAS Coop. Ext. Serv. SP-43. 13 p.

Futch, S. and M. Singh. 2010. Florida Citrus pest management guide: Weeds. In: 2010 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide. M. E. Rogers, M. M. Dewdney, and T. M. Spann (eds.). Univ. of Fla., IFAS Coop. Ext. Serv. SP-43. 13 p.

Futch, S. and Megh Singh. 2011. Florida Citrus pest management guide: Weeds. In: 2011 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide. M. E. Rogers, M. M. Dewdney, and T. M. Spann (eds.). Univ. of Fla., IFAS Coop. Ext. Serv. SP-43. 13 p.

Castle, W. S., J. C. Baldwin, and Megh Singh. 2011. Pomegranate in Florida for commercial enterprises and homeowners. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Paper #10. Section KROME. Available online at

Futch, S. H. and Megh Singh. 2011. Alion, a new herbicide for broad-spectrum weed management in Florida citrus. Citrus Industry June 2011:18-20.

Book Chapters

Singh, Megh and S. D. Sharma. 2008. Benefits of Triazine herbicides and other weed control technology in Citrus management. Chapt. 16. In: The Triazine Herbicides50 Years Revolutionizing Agriculture. H. M. LeBaron, J. E. McFarland, and O. C. Burnside (eds.). Elsevier, San Diego, CA. p. 199-209.

Singh, S., R. S. Choker, R. Gopal, J. K. Ladha, R. K. Gupta, V. Kumar, and M. Singh. 2009. Integrated weed management: A key to success for direct-seeded rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. In: Integrated Crop and Resource Management in the Rice-Wheat System of South Asia. J. K. Ladha, Yadvinder-Singh, O. Erenstein, and B. Hardy (eds.). p. 261-277.


Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2007. Influence of different rates and application time of glyphosate, carfentrazone and their tank mixture to control broadleaf weeds. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. Nashville, TN.

Sharma, S. D., S. S. Punia, and Megh Singh. 2007. Evaluation of UPH 103 – A sulfosulfuron herbicide against complex weed flora in wheat. Abstracts of the Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Maitland, FL.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2007. Examining the differences in tolerance of some weeds to glyphosate. Abstracts of the Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. San Antonio, TX.

Sharma, S. D., Megh Singh, E. K. Rawls, and J. B. Taylor, Jr. 2007. Reglone as potential defoliant for canker infected citrus trees. Annual Meeting of the Fla. Weed Sci. Soc. Maitland, FL.

Sharma, S. D., Megh Singh, E. K. Rawls, and J. B. Taylor, Jr. 2007. Defoliation of canker infected citrus trees by diquat. Annual Meeting of the Fla. State Hort. Soc. Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

Singh, Megh and S. D. Sharma. 2008. Effect of ammonium sulfate and other adjuvants as tank mix on the efficacy of glyphosate. Abstracts of the South. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Jacksonville, FL, January 28-30, 2008.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2008. Shikimate accumulation correlation to weed control in several weeds typical in citrus groves. Abstracts of the South. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Jacksonville, FL, January 28-30, 2008.

Singh, Megh and S. Sharma. 2008. Effect of environmental factors on the germination of Ipomoea purpureaAbstracts of the Int. Weed. Sci. Soc. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 23-27, 2008.

Singh, Megh and S. Sharma. 2008. Beneficial effect of adjuvants in improving glyphosate efficacy. Abstracts of the Int. Weed. Sci. Soc. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 23-27, 2008.

Singh, Megh and S. D. Sharma. 2008. Efficacy of pendimethalin tank mixed with several other pre-emergence herbicides for optimum weed control in non-bearing citrus. Abstracts of the Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Chicago, IL, February 4-7, 2008.

Sharma, S. D. and Megh Singh. 2008. The effect of adjuvants and their concentrations on rainfast of glyphosate. Abstracts of the Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Chicago, IL, February 4-7, 2008.

Singh, Megh, S. Singh, and S. D. Sharma. 2009. Efficacy of saflufenacil on different types of weeds in citrus. Abstracts of the Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Orlando, FL, February 9-13, 2009.

Singh, S., Megh Singh, and S. D. Sharma. 2009. Effects of adjuvants on rainfastness of different glyphosate formulations. Abstracts of the Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Orlando, FL, February 9-13, 2009.

Singh, Megh. 2009. Crop oil or surfactant, How do I choose? 43rd Annual Convention and Exposition of the National Agricultural Aviation Association. Reno, NV, December 7-10, 2009.

Malik, M. S. and Megh Singh. 2010. Effect of glyphosate salt, growth stage, and temperature on efficacy of different citrus weeds. Abstracts of the South. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Little Rock, AR, January 25-27, 2010.

Singh, Megh and M. S. Malik. 2010. Evaluation of Treevix and other herbicides for weed control in citrus. Abstracts of the South. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Little Rock, AR, January 25-27, 2010.

Malik, M. S., S. Singh, and Megh Singh. 2010. Efficacy of saflufenacil along with glyphosate and pendimethalin for weed control in citrus. Abstracts of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Denver, CO, February 7-11, 2010.

Singh, Megh and M. S. Malik. 2010. Evaluation of aim and rage for broadleaf weed control in citrus. Abstracts of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Denver, CO, February 7-11, 2010.

Singh, Megh and M. Grove. 2011. Flazasulfuron: A new herbicide for weed control in Florida citrus. 64th Southern Weed Sci. Soc. Annual Conference. Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 24-26, 2011.

Singh, Megh, A. M. Ramirez, and M. Edenfield. 2011. Indaziflam: A new pre emergence herbicide for citrus. 51st Annual Conference of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Portland, OR, February 7-10, 2011.

Ramirez, A. M. and Megh Singh. 2011. Factors affecting germination of Spanishneedles (Bidens bipinnata L.). 51st Annual Conference of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Portland, OR, February 7-10, 2011.

Jhala, A. J., A.H.M. Ramirez, and Megh Singh. 2012. Leaching of indaziflam in Florida citrus soils collected from different horizons. Â 52nd Annual Conference of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Â Waikoloa, Hawaii, February 7-10, 2012.

Singh, Megh, A.H.M. Ramirez, and A. J. Jhala. 2012. Broad spectrum weed control with tank mix of saflufenacil and glufosinate in Florida citrus. Â 52nd Annual Conference of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Â Waikoloa, Hawaii, February 7-10, 2012.

Ramirez, A.H.M., A. J. Jhala, and Megh Singh. 2012. Response of citron melon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) to pre-emergence herbicides. Â 52nd Annual Conference of Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Waikoloa, Hawaii, February 7-10, 2012.

Jhala, A.J., A.H.M. Ramirez, and Megh Singh. 2012. Weed control with tank mix of saflufenacil and sethoxydim in Florida citrus.  65th Southern Weed Sci. Soc. Annual Conference. Charleston, SC, January 24-26, 2012.

Ramirez, A.H.M., A. J. Jhala, and Megh Singh. 2012. Response of citron melon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) to post-emergence herbicide application. 65th Southern Weed Sci. Soc. Annual Conference. Charleston, SC, January 24-26, 2012.

Singh, Megh, A.H.M. Ramirez, and A. J. Jhala. 2012. Comparing pre-emergence herbicides for weed control in Florida citrus. 65th Southern Weed Sci. Soc. Annual Conference. Charleston, SC, January 24-26, 2012.

Invited Presentations

Session Chair: Environment and Efficacy Section in the 30th Symposium on Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems: Regulations and Innovation. Atlanta, GA, October 20-22, 2009.

Presented an invited paper on “Crop Oil or Surfactant, How Do I Choose? “ 43rd Annual Convention and Exposition of the National Agricultural Aviation Association. Reno, NV, December 7-10, 2009.

International Activities

Invited to attend the 2009 Farm Chemicals International Trade Summit from 9 to 12 August, 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.